Photo of Olde Burlington County courthouse

Experienced Legal Help With Out-Of-State Child Relocation Disputes

The process required for moving children out of New Jersey – usually called relocation or removal – is often misunderstood. As a custodial parent, you do not need the court’s permission to travel out of state for a vacation, a trip or any other temporary reason. As a custodial parent, however, you do need to get consent if you wish to move out of state permanently.

How do you file for relocation? What right do you have if you are a noncustodial parent and do not want your children moved far away from you?

An Experienced South Jersey Relocation Attorney

Musulin Law Firm, LLC, is comprised of a cohesive legal team that practices exclusively in divorce and family law-related matters. Leading attorney Christopher Rade Musulin, Esquire, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers with over 36 years of experience.

Showing Or Contesting Reasons To Relocate

In New Jersey, the standard that the courts use in parental relocation and move-away cases is the showing of a good faith reason such as:

  • Remarriage
  • A new job or transfer
  • Moving to an area where family resides

A parent who wishes to relocate must show then that the move is in the best interests of the child. If the parent wanting to relocate shows a good faith reason to leave, the burden shifts to the opposing parent to show how relocation is against the best interests of the child.

Parents who oppose relocation can challenge the good faith reason, show that the move is not made in good faith or show how the distance between the child and opposing parent would be detrimental. Because relocation often results in long distances by separating child and parent, you need an experienced and fast-acting lawyer to present your case.

Modifications After Relocation

If the relocation results in a large distance between the children and the noncustodial parent, our attorneys can help file for modifications to the visitation, child custody and parenting time schedules. For instance, under a new parenting schedule, the child could spend less frequent but larger blocks of time with the noncustodial parent.

Dealing With Possible Child Relocation? We Can Help.

To learn more about how to successfully file for relocation or fight the removal of your children, contact the lawyers at Musulin Law Firm, LLC.

Call 609-267-0070 or contact the firm online.

With an office in Mount Holly, we represent parents who live throughout South Jersey and all over the nation with cases that would be in South Jersey counties, including Burlington County, Camden County, Mercer County and Gloucester County.