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Don’t make these 8 social media mistakes during a divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 19, 2017 | Divorce

Social media is one of the most common places people turn during difficult times. People go to Facebook, Instagram and even dating sites looking for support, love and an outlet to share difficult feelings.

Considering how frequently people turn to these sites, it is no surprise that they often present problems during a divorce, especially a contentious divorce. With or without realizing it, you could be sharing evidence or engaging in behaviors that will be used against you in court or mediation, so it is wise to be cautious when it comes to social media.

Below are eight common social media mistakes you should avoid if you are going through a divorce.

  1. Harassing your ex
  2. Posting incriminating pictures of yourself
  3. Hacking into your ex’s account
  4. Uploading illicit pictures of your ex out of revenge
  5. Sharing pictures or statuses that contradict statements you made in legal documents or court
  6. Assuming your activity is private or anonymous
  7. Checking in some place when you should not be there
  8. “Liking” certain sites, apps or products (e.g. gambling)

As this Huffington Post article reminds us, it is often easier than people think for an ex and his or her attorney to collect evidence from social media. They can then use this information to seek more favorable spousal support, child custody or property division agreements.

In order to avoid costly mistakes and prevent an ex from collecting fodder against you during a divorce, you might consider staying away from social media temporarily. Even the most cautious user can do or say something that can be turned against them, so staying off Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter for a while could be wise.

If you have any concerns or questions about your social media habits, your ex’s habits or how the information may be used in divorce proceedings, it can be wise to talk to your attorney. With legal guidance, you can learn more about your options and avoid making mistakes that could negatively affect your life after divorce.

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